
的 cost of attendance (COA) is not the bill you get; it is the estimated amount you can expect to pay to attend the University of Mary each academic year. 它包括直接和间接成本. 直接费用是出现在你的学生账户上的费用, while indirect costs are those costs you will incur as a student and are not charged by the University of Mary. 有关学费和费用的详细信息可以在 学费和费用 网站部分.

出勤费用 budgets for the upcoming school year are updated and published in late October/early November annually. This website is updated with new and current cost of attendance information. 请与 财政援助办事处 查看历史信息.


A school can either use actual tuition or a weighted average based on enrollment when calculating estimated tuition. MG冰球突破试玩使用的是实际的, full-time tuition for both its traditional and non-traditional undergraduate programs. A full-time average is used for graduate programs based on program-recommended enrollment.

学费 for main-campus — undergraduate programs are charged at a flat rate for enrollment in 12-18 credit hours. Main campus — undergraduate students enrolled in less than 12 credits are charged per credit hour. 所有其他本科课程都是按学分收费的. Graduate tuition is program specific and either accessed at a per-credit rate or flat rate. 详细的学费信息可在 学费和费用 网站部分.

Fees are based on the average mandatory and course-specific fees associated with full-time (FT) enrollment. 强制性费用与服务相关的支持费用, 活动, 设施, 以及在课堂之外支持学生的基础设施. 特定课程的费用与特定课程的注册相关联. 它们直接关系到学生对课程的参与.


  一年 学期



护理学院 $21,126 $10,563


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by the enrollment status, 四分之三的时间使用75%, 中场休息50%, 不到半场时间的,25%.

Non-Traditional 本科专业 (在校园/在校外/With 父母)

  一年 学期
2日巴赫.加速护理 $20,000 $10,000


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by the enrollment status, 四分之三的时间使用75%, 中场休息50%, 不到半场时间的,25%


  一年 学期
RN转BSN/RRT转BSRT $9,680 $4,840
非传统(在线)本科 $13,360 $6,680
LPN转BSN $17,026 $8,513


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by the enrollment status, 四分之三的时间使用75%, 中场休息50%, 还有25%是在半场休息时间以内.


  一年 学期


$24,487 $12,243


$24,327 $12,163

Occ理学硕士. 治疗




Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$13,140 $6,570


$17,010 $8,505




MSN到DNP:护理领导 $13,790 $6,895
护理学硕士 $10,370 $5,185
呼吸治疗理学硕士 $13,410 $6,705
MSN / MBA双学位 $10,000 $5,000
语言病理学硕士 $19,730 $9,865


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$17,690 $8,845


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).


  一年 学期


$13,336 $6,668

*估计基于全日制注册10个学分. 典型入学时间:3/4次(7学分).

*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分)

  一年 学期


$17,210 $8,605


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$11,840 $5,920


$10,038 $5,019


$15,230 $7,615


$11,970 $5,985


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$15,040 $7,520


$11,800 $5,900

哲学硕士/ MBA双学位 

$11,800 $5,900


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$15,230 $7,615

*根据全日制注册9个学分估算. 典型入学1/2次(6学分)

*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$12,950 $6,475


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$14,760 $7,380


*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).

  一年 学期


$12,146 $6,073

*估计基于全日制注册10个学分. 典型入学时间:3/4次(7学分).

*Part-time rates for tuition/fees are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by 77% for three-quarter time (7-8 credits), 半场66%(5-6学分), 不到半场时间33%(1-4学分).


MG冰球突破试玩财政援助办公室研究学生书籍, 供应, 从MG冰球突破试玩书店购买材料. 的 财政援助办事处 also conducts a bi-annual survey to obtain this information.

  一年 学期




*Part-time rates for books are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by the enrollment status, 四分之三的时间使用75%, 中场休息50%, 还有25%是在半场休息时间以内.


的 US Department of Education requires institutions to craft Living Expense budgets that include the following elements. 具体MG冰球突破试玩校园住宿和餐饮信息可以在我们的网站上找到 住宿及餐饮网页.


  • 校园居民, the University of Mary uses a calculated weighted cost of all campus housing options and then uses the average cost or median cost—whichever is higher.
  • 住在校外的学生, the University of Mary uses the College Board’s Living Expense Budget for the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN地区. 这些预算是根据最近几年的数据制定的。 消费者开支统计调查,由美国劳工统计局编制.

食物: 的 US Department of Education requires institutions of higher education to put together a food budget to ensure the allowance covers three meals daily.

  • Campus residents’ food allowance is based on the calculated average cost of all unlimited swipe meal plans.
  • 校外住宿, the food allowance is derived from the College Board’s Living Expense Budget for the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN地区. 这些预算是根据最近几年的数据制定的。 消费者开支统计调查,由美国劳工统计局编制.
  在校园 在校外 与父母同住




*根据学年入学人数估算. 一学年是两个学期.


*注:食品/住房费用不按75%和50%的比例分摊. Food/housing and miscellaneous expenses are not included in COA for less-than half-time students.


的 miscellaneous category is intended to provide a reasonable allowance for items such as clothing, 个人维护, 梳理, 和娱乐. 的 allowance is designed to permit students a moderate standard of living. 为了达到这个数字, the University of Mary uses the College Board’s Living Expense Budget for the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN地区. 这些预算是根据最近几年的数据制定的。 消费者开支统计调查,由美国劳工统计局编制.

  一年 学期




*Part-time rates for miscellaneous expenses are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by the enrollment status, 四分之三的时间使用75%, 中场休息50%, 不到半场时间的,25%.


的 transportation allowance is included to account for a student’s travel expenses to and from school. It is intended to be a reasonable cost for gas and car maintenance or any kind of public transportation used to travel to and from campus. Mary uses the College Board’s Living Expense Budget for the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN地区. 这些预算是根据最近几年的数据制定的。 消费者开支统计调查,由美国劳工统计局编制.

  一年 学期





*Part-time rates for miscellaneous expenses are calculated by pro-rating full-time charges by the enrollment status, 四分之三的时间使用75%, 中场休息50%, 还有25%是在半场休息时间以内.


的 University of Mary also provides several optional components to a student’s individual cost of attendance. 这些项目应要求予以审议.

  • 个人电脑: Students may request a one-time increase to their cost of attendance for the purchase of a personal computer up to $1,在提交销售收据后.
  • 受抚养人护理费用: 的 cost of attendance allowance can be increased for actual dependent care expenses if a student with one or more dependents needs to place children in care to go to school. Students may request an increase for dependent expenses by providing documentation of the expense, 其中包括支付给托儿服务提供者的发票.
  • 残疾津贴:应要求, students may request to have their cost of attendance allowance increased for expenses related to a student's disability by providing documentation of the disability and the related expense.
  • 留学费用:当学生计划出国留学时, Mary will increase the cost of attendance to include additional expenses related to the study abroad experience. 学生可以从 全球研究办公室.
  • 第一个专业证书的费用:用于进入需要专业执照的行业的学生, 比如护理或教育, the one-time cost of obtaining the first professional credential in the field can be included in the cost of attendance. 这项津贴是根据实际发生的费用计算的. 学生应该联系财政援助办公室进行调整.


你参加的费用, 也称为净成本, is the budgeted amount remaining after scholarships and grants have been subtracted from your total 出勤费用.

我们的 净价计算器 offers an estimate of costs associated with attending the University of Mary. 的 MG冰球突破试玩经济援助办公室 is happy to assist you in understanding the cost and aid options available to you.